Loving Nature by John Brinkmann

In the current issue of the impressively published magazine, American Bungalow, editor John Brinkmann’s editorial comment was written so beautifully I decided to share it here with all of you. Below is an excerpt from the column available in full-length in the February-May 2015 issue of the magazine. If you are not familiar with this quiet treasure, you might appreciate checking it out – it is published with a truly rare and beautiful quality.

Nature has been temperamental lately, but most of the time it is benign. Either way, our species likes to think our job is to control it. That includes controlling just about everything we know of. It is how we deal with life. In order to live with nature, humans must try to understand it, measure it, make a science of it, often in an effort to rescue it from our own transgressions. As we gain understanding of the natural world, we also discover that we can manipulate it: a preventative medicine here and a genetic modification there. All with the best of human intentions. In fact nature, being the way it is, will forgive any transgressions we might make and continue its journey of wonder, with or without us. 

The estrangement is entirely in our minds. Deep in our hearts we know we are one with nature. It lives inside us somewhere, hidden beneath the controlling ego, and we are completely dependent on it. We feel it in our first breath and every time we open the door and step outside in spring. It is nature, after all, that tells our heart to beat.

The human ego likes to think of its love of nature as a romantic affair, a relationship where we lead a dance of progress and innovation, development and improvement. Nature, being older, wiser and the keeper of all truth, knows our love is the love of a child in the arms of its mother. “  – John Brinkmann; 2015

I love his final line….and its sobering wisdom. We are, indeed, each held and embraced by all of nature – nourished by it – held by it – guided by its incessant voice of wisdom. May you reconnect with this deep essence in these lovely days of early spring!