On the night of Sunday 21st of December the light of the sun begins to return to the northern hemisphere. Once again, we approach the magical Winter Solstice. Many of the Christian traditions celebrate advent during this season – advent meaning “the coming”. Regardless of ones’ religious or non-religious preferences, winter is a quiet time of waiting, of trusting and of courage TO trust – only to find courage finding us. We are collectively seduced into looking upon darkness as negative and light as good. It is a rather universally accepted belief. And yet, if there is no darkness how would it be possible for us to see the radiance of the flickering candle flame? How would it be possible to be captured by a night sky sparkling with the diamond-like twinkling of stars? How would the full moon find us?
It seems to me that both light and dark are equal companions. The perfection of opposites – the necessity and perfect union of both. One of my earlier pieces (still available) is titled Finding Courage (shown at right). When I created it, it was intended to be symbolic of those seasons when our roots feel much too shallow to support us through a wintry season in our lives. Even though we feel a sense of being completely “off balance” and a dramatically frightening chill blankets us in those times, we are mysteriously and perfectly held – rooted firmly – rooted perfectly. Since the creation of this piece, as it happens beautifully with each of my creative endeavors, the piece has spoken to me in many different manners through the seasons. Today, the piece speaks to me of courage finding me – of a realization that I need not seek or look for it outside of myself – it is mine already – always. It almost becomes an illusion to ever believe I even have to think about needing it – it is inherently mine. We each, I feel, always hold the exact amount of courage we need in any season of our lives and at times, circumstances bring us the realization of its infinite presence.
As you greet the Winter Solstice this year, I wish you the peace of knowing you are never walking in the dark without purpose nor without light. Rather, you may be walking in the dark toward something to be awakened – birthed – within you that could not be awakened without first trekking through the seemingly dark, cold days. The spring flowers will bloom once more – yet only after the season of winter has tended their frail roots in preparation. Instead of longing for spring, I wish for you the welcome and deep, warm embrace of all the mysterious wonders of winter – of the coming – the resting – the birthing of something profoundly new in your life – in your heart.
Winter Solstice Blessings to each of you!
Finding Courage was accepted into the juried 2014 Art Kudos International Exhibit.