edition of 35
15.5″ h x 11″ w
Tree of Life
You grow so large
A maze of complexity
Your core as still as
The moment you first breathed.
Tree of Life
You stand in this world
Fully fed from the other.

green patina
Tree of Life
In your stillness
In your beauty
I hear my name
And know that I too am Home.
This piece was born from a meditation on my incessant temptation to feel overwhelmed by the complexities often penetrating my life. It is a reminder that it is really ‘I’ that complicates my life in amazingly creative ways. My (our) purpose is really a most simple one.
It is indeed an ‘illusion’ that our beings and our lives are vastly complex. We are actually as clear and simple, always, as the first moment we breathed – when we take time to connect to our Divine, Creator, God/Goddess, Light or Higher Power. Illusion of Complexity is a visual invitation to remain still enough to hear that Voice that simplifies, purifies, and holds us in our true Home. The Voice that sifts through all the mazes of complexity and awakens in us a simple, clear ‘knowing’ that we are always much larger than the many distractions we have created.
ILLUSION OF COMPLEXITY earned the BENE AWARD in the 2004 Ministry & Liturgy Juried Visual Arts Exhibition; it earned the INDUSTRY AWARD in thr 2005 Sculptural Pursuit Competition; the MERIT AWARD in the 104 Juried Biannual Four Points Contemporary Arts Exhibition; and was included in the three month exhibition Green & Gray at the Tempe Center for the Arts, Tempe, AZ

Forest patina