New Year Reflections

I send each of you warmest greetings for the wonderful year of 2012. As I write, for those of you in the Christian tradition, the twelve days of Christmas continue to be upon you with the twelfth day, Epiphany, coming this Friday. Epiphany, regardless of your spiritual preferences, is a wonderful time of deep and welcome reflection. I appreciate that it comes following the higher social activity weeks of the season – when things seem to be a bit more quiet, allowing more easily for contemplative space.   Epiphany is that rich season of inquiring within oneself as to what truly guides and directs our lives. What Light do you follow?  What truly directs your life?  It also nudges us into a remembrance to look deeper than the surface of all events – thoughts – feelings and find in all of them a rich inner connection to something we, as humans, cannot name or control – the world of Mystery and of perfect Love.

January brings also, in many areas, the colder months of the year. It is a time of huddling down, snuggling up and waiting for the wintry months to unfold into yet another spring. The time of waiting can be challenging or rewarding – we can choose our way to experience it. While seemingly there is not much happening in nature, save the banks of snow, beneath the surface, the natural world is resting in preparation of a new season of growth and abundance once more. It is letting go of the dead of a season gone and protecting all that will support its growth in the coming springtime. Perhaps it is a time when you might consider what it is you might be ready to let go of that no longer supports your life in a healthy manner. The Ginkgo tree is one of the most profound teachers of this
great wisdom. Without any visible preparation, it simply – sometimes in a matter of hours – lets go of all its leaves.

In this letting go, the earth beneath it is blanketed in a rich and glorious golden hue – the earth is blessed. It appears as more of a grand celebration than of any loss. My bronze vessel, Ginkgo: Seed of Hope is intended to inspire this same quality in us. It speaks of the notion that each of us represents the “seed of hope” for change – for movement – that each of us are unique and potent avenues of significant change and of hope and peace.  The vessel is accented with the presence of three doves – another symbol of peace. Two of them are resting (as in wintry months) while the third is taking flight – representing the invitation to not only reflect but to also take flight – take action with our reflections. May this New Year, be a year of taking hopeful flight in your life – in the deepest sense and with renowned peace and gratitude.

You may read more about Ginkgo: Seed of Hope here along with the companion writing and poetry.