
Using our current day Gregorian calendar, the sequence of 11.11.11 occurring this month marks a once in a one-hundred year time when the month, day, and year reads 11.11.11. Sequential identical numbers have a recorded historical significance among many scholars. It is thought they hold highly energetic power and we are encouraged to be awake to experiencing their power in our individual lives.  Digital clocks of our day make this an even easier – more frequent – experience.  I invite each of you to simply notice a sequence of identical numbers in your lives and particularly to give attention to the upcoming experience of 11.11.11. When we are awake to this event, we might take a few minutes to direct our inner attention to the deepest roots of our lives – to what we most hope to manifest in and through our lives. The entire universe may resonate with your intention and you may well experience a deep and rich amplification of your intent.  There is indeed power in unity and the entire world will be experiencing the magical qualities of this day together. What if we each held a great Light in our hearts for healing of our world – blessing of it and of each of us – growing us vastly toward leading more balanced, harmonious lives? The results may be astounding.  It is possible. This perfect balance is beautifully demonstrated to us through nature every day (another voice of incessant inspiration).

My bronze Trillium vessel illuminates this perfection.  I the trillium’s most apparent growing habit of “threes” – 3 leaved foliage, 3 sepals, 3 petals, 3 part ovary, etc. You can read all the details about this plant and the vessel here: http://www.allemanstudios.com/trillium.html. Trillium has 9 blooms (3×3) and stands 6 inches (3+3) tall, with 3 ants etched in its base (the invisible helpers) – all in an edition size of 111.

In its lovely pattern of growing, it inspires me to embrace the essence of the perfection each of us truly is.  I invite you to read    much more about it on the website and allow this lovely woodland plant to inspire you while bringing a worthy element of profound beauty to your life as well.  Open yourself to the magical, wonderful qualities of your natural beauty, planted within the natural beauty of our world, and allow the mysterious essence of the 11.11.11 to impact your life.

Extraordinary Ordinary Walks

The late author Ted Andrews, in his well-known book Animal-Speak  writes; “Every flower blossoms with reminders to be creative and every tree whispers with its rustling leaves the secrets of life”.  Ted’s work continues to be a steadfast  companion and reference for me. His wisdom in understanding the language and  gifts of animals, insects, and the plant world is remarkable and inspiring.  With every morning walk, indeed the flower blossoms and trees whisper to me.

This morning, on my walk I encountered a hawk perched high  on the top of a palm tree. He perched for a few minutes while I stood in absolute wonder sending him my thoughts of appreciation and awe. These amazing creatures are potent reminders  of our ability to soar high and glide upon the currents of life. Most often  they are spotted, as I did this morning – perched high in search of prey while grounded.  Days ago I viewed a local TV presentation  highlighting the Harris hawk in Scottsdale AZ. Just outside the yard of a  Scottsdale homeowner, two hawks built their nest. The couple was able to  witness, from their backyard, the incredible wonder in watching the eggs hatch  and the babies grow. Within a month they were stretching their wings and  beginning to hop as preparation for their first flight. What a delight for this  desert couple to observe, so closely,  the beautiful miracles of nature.

Later in my walk I  was welcomed by numerous colorful butterflies and scurrying lizards. Ted  Andrews suggests the lizard energies can remind us to let go of old patterns or  wounds that bind us and grow anew from them. When the lizard loses its tail to  a predator, it grows a new one! What a wonderful and freeing inspiration. And,  butterflies as we all know are welcome reminders of transformation and rebirth.  Those rare and wonderful moments when we are able to still ourselves from all  distractions enough to thoughtfully  notice the miraculous creatures that inhabit our earth are indeed precious. You  need not be in any renowned vista or special setting to appreciate these  everyday miracles. Your own backyard, large or small, is a welcome place to  quiet yourself and simply  notice the  life unfolding in natural balance. Wherever you are is the perfect place. Seemingly simple moments as these continue  to deeply inspire, direct and expand my work.  I am saddened to witness so many people walking in nature with earphones plugging their ears, or cell phones tucked to their ears. Every day is a window  of wonder….waiting for us to still ourselves enough to notice the seemingly  small movements and encounters with a most grateful heart – it is in these  moments that I believe we each receive profound nourishment and gifts.

Custom framed, bronze plaques now available

RipeAbundanceWe are now offering Quiet Blessing and Ripe Abundance with beautiful custom frames. The frames have been finely custom crafted in ebony stained, solid alder wood. Both pieces are still available unframed as well and unframed are suitable for easel (table top) display or on the wall with the attached hanger.
Quiet Blessing offers a deep appreciation for the rich and diverse gifts of all trees. The arboreal and golden patina makes it a warm, organic and beautiful piece. The companion poetry adds a very personal element, making it an exceptional and lasting gift.

Ripe Abundance celebrates the pomegranate fruit – symbolic of harmony and abundance. Each pomegranate fruit holds approximately six hundred ruby seeds – sheer abundance! The natural shape of the fruit is rounded hexagonal – six is symbolic of absolute harmony. It inspires a message of appreciation for the absolute abundance in our lives as well as the hope for true harmony and balance. It is a beautifully rich bronze work, particularly for this autumn time of year. Companion writing reflecting on the inspiration and poetry accompany both limited edition pieces.

Lancaster County, PA

I recently returned from a trip to my childhood milieu in Lancaster County, PA. As always, I was both refreshed and inspired by the grand trees and flora of this rich and potent land. The mature wisteria, which has draped the long porch of the farmhouse where I grew up, was vibrantly green and lush creating a warm umbrella of greens dressing the front door. I always have loved entering the house beneath its shading welcome. I am reminded, each time I walk beneath it, of childhood years of waiting for it to bloom – the true sign that the school year was about to close and the bees to become fiercely awake and productive.

Living in the desert, I’m always on a search while in PA for specimens to take back to the quiet desert for inspiration and reminders. My uncle graciously delivered a bundle of blooming purple (red) clover from his field for me. I collected specimens of white blooming clover and one lonely, blooming dandelion. The dandelions always are a welcome presence for me reminding me to “never stop growing”. They are not plentiful in bloom this time of year, but they continue to grow relentlessly. I love the springtime when they dot the landscape with brilliant yellows in yards, meadows – everywhere! And who has not enjoyed the delight of making a dandelion link bracelet as a child?

My current inclination toward the clover and dandelions likely stems from my weeping heart for the current plight of the honeybee. My grandfather always raised bees on our farm, and we took them for granted for decades. My younger brother has begun carrying on the tradition as he learns the art of beekeeping. He has three new hives on the farm and is learning – as he loses bees. I believe the alarming status of the honeybee to be a profound ‘wake-up call” kind of message to all of us – to give grave attention to what we are collectively doing to our bees and vital insect world – to Mother Earth at large. The bee is said to be symbolic as a messenger between heaven and earth, and I believe they are indeed. Perhaps the honeybee is calling to us for dramatic changes in the way we care for Mother Earth. The rapidly declining honeybee population, combined with colony collapse disorder, warrants unprecedented attention from all of us. The use of pesticides – growing ever more prevalent and in alarmingly stronger doses gives reason to capture our attention profoundly. Without the honeybee, many of the foods (over 30%) we enjoy on a daily basis will indeed disappear.

And so, I will begin my research, as always, surrounding the honeybees’ favorite plants to visit and its habits. Time will tell what treasures will unfold, if any, at the clay table from my work – and what vessel might next appear as a warm and intimate appeal to our hearts.

To learn more about the plight of the honeybee, I recommend reading A Spring Without Bees, by Michael Schacker. http://planbeecentral.wordpress.com/; http://www.globalregen.net/GRNetwork/

Each of us can plant a bee friendly garden, and use environmentally friendly pest control to do our part in insuring the survival and health of the honeybee kingdom – and our future food supply. May we do so – now – with joyful, grateful hearts.

Michael Dumas

If you have not yet discovered the incredible work of Michael Dumas, a Canadian artist, I invite you to do so soon. His profound awareness of nature and its natural beauty mirror my sense in working with the simplest forms of nature as the deepest, richest seeds of inspiration. He was born and raised in a small town in Ontario, developing his drawing skills at a very young age. He practices a beautiful approach to his work – simply paying grave attention to the quiet, natural moments in his life, and allowing these elements to envelope and enrich his working studio experience. Much of his work intimately reflects his concern for the health and welfare of our natural world. The current issue of Arabella magazine (http://www.arabelladesign.com/) presents a fine, personal article profiling his life and work.

He is internationally recognized through The National Museum of Canada, The McMichael Canadian Collection, The Royal Botanical Gardens – Hamilton, The Royal Ontario Museum Toronto, The Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site – Buffalo, N. Y, The Suntory Museum of art – Tokyo & Osaka, Japan, The Yamanakako-Takamura Museum of Arts – Japan. Mitsukoshi Gallery- Tokyo, Matsuya Gallery – Tokyo, Sogo Gallery – Osaka, Nature In Art, the International Museum of Wildlife Art – Gloucester, England.

Looking at his images, it is challenging to choose a favorite piece of work. The attention to detail and manner on both the human form and wild animals, is breath-taking as it profoundly captures the true spirit of the subject. To learn more about Michael, visit: http://www.natureartists.com/artists/artist_biography.asp?ArtistID=54